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Inception Meeting for Introducing Post-Harvest Loss Technologies to Unlocking the Business Potential of the Horticultural Value Chains Project

SUGECO and Feed the Future collaborated to hold an inception meeting on March 20, 2024, to discuss the implementation of the Kilimo Tija Activity (KTA) project, which was granted funding by the US Agency for International Development (USAID). There were 25 participants total, consisting of ACDI/VOCA and SUGECO employees. The agenda included several elements, including introductions, opening remarks, the goal of the inception meeting, a summary of the grant agreement, a detailed explanation of the milestone, environmental compliance, and closing remarks.

Mr. Pius Tizeba, Senior Grant Specialist at ACDI/VOCA, gave a few quick words to begin the discussion. He introduced Feed the Future, USAID, and the KTA project to the audience at the beginning of his speech. He noted that SUGECO and Feed the Future must work together to accomplish the KTA project goals and thanked everyone for attending the inception meeting. 

He then proceeded to provide a succinct overview of the initiative, going over important points including its name and its sponsors. The project's primary aim and objectives, strategies for achieving those goals, its duration, and a breakdown of SUGECO's and ACDI/VOCA's respective roles in its execution. 

Following the opening remarks, the SUGECO Executive Director Mr. Revocatus Kimario thanked USAID for the award that will support the post-harvest technologies that will allow SUGECO to access the market in both local and international markets. He also gave a brief presentation on how the KTA will improve the lives of women and youth in the selected value chains. He continued by saying that this is SUGECO's chance to network with donors and involve a lot of youth in various projects.
